Author: SH

Expert customer support help by people who love people.


CoSupport had an amazing time at LessConf, and can’t thank everyone enough for saying hello and giving us your feedback. If you’d like to get in touch with Sarah or would like to request a copy of her slides, email

May 2, 2011 0

Hiring support people? Look to the trees.

If your support team is 25% or more of your small app company, you’re doing something wrong. No, I don’t mean you shouldn’t have a robust support team; on the contrary I think having a full team of support people is often an overlooked advantage. But having to have so many people on support…
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April 26, 2011 0

Beyond the Pedway interviews CoSupport

Big, major thanks to Tim Jahn of Beyond the Pedway for the awesome interview! Thanks to the W Austin for the room, and Chronicbabe for the lighting help, in-room entourage and after-interview debrief.

March 25, 2011 0