Category: Thoughts on Support

Expert customer support help by people who love people.

We’re not sorry for the inconvenience

Here’s some fun facts about being at Disneyland: It’s a total leisure activity, but still costs a lot of your time If you’re there, you’ve paid a minimum of $80 to get through the door and you’re expecting something amazing for that price If a ride breaks down when you’re standing in line, it’s really…
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November 19, 2014 0

Share the Love!

When you work in support, you’re all too familiar with customers who are upset, have complaints, or are even mean-spirited. You know how great it feels when customers compliment your work or give praises for your product? I know, me too! So why not take a moment today to let the support team of your…
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February 14, 2014 0


Sometimes the most difficult challenge to providing a customer with a solution is understanding what the problem is. Often I’ll receive an e-mail with a vague description that a feature “doesn’t work”, or something like, “Why can’t I log in? Help!” It’s common to see me with both hands grabbing the hair on my head,…
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January 31, 2014 0