
CoSupport Supports: Our First Mission!

So here’s the deal: We’re not in this to make money. Scratch that, yes we are. We want to make a lot, a lot of money. But not just for ourselves. CoSupport was founded in a middle-of-the-night brainstormy life-passion-fulfillment lightning spark when we realized we can take something we love and we’re really…
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June 21, 2011 0

Trust your employees

A saying that’s a bit of a broken record around CoSupport HQ is, “Use your judgment.” I say it a lot – probably enough that CoSupporters are sick of hearing it. But it’s not something I’m ever going to give up saying to employees because I may be one of the few CEOs out there…
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June 17, 2011 0

Hiring support people? Look to the trees.

If your support team is 25% or more of your small app company, you’re doing something wrong. No, I don’t mean you shouldn’t have a robust support team; on the contrary I think having a full team of support people is often an overlooked advantage. But having to have so many people on support…
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April 26, 2011 0