Category: CoSupport News

Expert customer support help by people who love people.

Hiring support people? Look to the trees.

If your support team is 25% or more of your small app company, you’re doing something wrong. No, I don’t mean you shouldn’t have a robust support team; on the contrary I think having a full team of support people is often an overlooked advantage. But having to have so many people on support…
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April 26, 2011 0

Beyond the Pedway interviews CoSupport

Big, major thanks to Tim Jahn of Beyond the Pedway for the awesome interview! Thanks to the W Austin for the room, and Chronicbabe for the lighting help, in-room entourage and after-interview debrief.

March 25, 2011 0

Forrst podcast

Link: Another podcast! This one was crazy fun for us. Thanks Forrst!

February 22, 2011 0