Category: Thoughts on Support

Expert customer support help by people who love people.

Support @

So, firstly, I detest popup support chat windows on websites as a rule. Secondly, I love to have my mind changed about things I think are always true. Whilst shopping for hilarious cat themed items on Look Human, a delightful site teeming with great cat themed whatnots (amongst other repartee) I was pinged by a somewhat snore-inducing…
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February 10, 2016 0

You’re Welcome

As support folks, we get thanked a lot. But how do you say “You’re welcome?” Saying “No problem” infers that “Yeah, it’s alright” or that helping them was not much of an inconvenience (another bad word!). It takes away the human part of the interaction and doesn’t express that their thanks were received and appreciated. Similar alternatives to “No problem” include:…
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January 13, 2015 0

3 customer support lessons from Taylor Swift

If you have ears, you’ve been privy to Taylor Swift’s deepest heartfelt revelations while wandering the aisle of your local CVS. Or maybe it was the food court in the mall where you first heard something way too personal set to a beat and repeated over and over and over and over. Regardless of your stance…
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November 25, 2014 0