Category: CoSupport News

Expert customer support help by people who love people.

Some of my best friends are programmers

Let’s be honest: If you’re a programmer, you probably don’t like talking to people very much. It’s ok, there’s nothing wrong with this. Let’s all just admit it and get it out there in the open and own our own strengths. No one is going to judge you. If you’re development-centric, your focus needs…
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January 29, 2011 0

So, what’s the first step?

Usually customer support for a web or mobile app is the last thing to check off on the looming start up to-do list. Design the app! Code the app! Sell the app! Support the app? What’s that last part about? Listen, you’re a designer or a programmer. You’re a visionary. You’re not a…
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January 27, 2011 0

CoSupport, LLC: Wow.

When you’re launching a new web or mobile app, you usually don’t have the brainspace to write detailed instructions and answer new customer questions. We have that brainspace, in fact we’ve got a surplus of unused brainspace we can rent out to you for a while. Maybe you need total support training because you’re drowning…
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January 26, 2011 0